2nd Art Oral Day

2nd Art Oral Day

Last year's success has led us to organize this second event with an even stronger motivation to give more instruments to today's prosthodontists facing the evolution of the sector with passion and determination. 

The cad cam continues to be the rage in laboratories and seems to reduce everything to technical and repetitive steps with a machine that finalizes them.

In a world that has taken this road, we must not forget the importance of the last brushstroke provided by the experience and artistic genius of the prosthodontist par excellence:

The ceramist!

Ceramic is still the queen of the lab, a source of differentiation and added value if accompanied by an entrepreneurial project.

In light of this consideration, this year we have created an international event attended by some of the best prosthodontists in the world, who have distinguished themselves with their gifts of creativity, foresight, and sharing, to give you a day that is, in addition to being a source of inspiration, an immediate tool for your technical-aesthetic and organizational improvement:


Park Hotel Villa Fiorita

Monastier TV

Saturday May 14 2016




participant registration


Jan Schünemann - "Emotion and Communication"


Lee Yoosang -"Professional aesthetics"


Giovanni Furno - "Visual perception in dental morphology"


lunch time


Jürgen Braunwarth - "The dental laboratory without frontiers"


Renzo Revelant - "Dental Technology 2.0 - Evolution of an Art"


Choi Seokyeon - "New wave with 3D"


Klaus Müterthies - “Art Oral: emotion of excellence”



Klaus Müterthies

Born December 25, 1943 in Gütersloh, Germany. In 1988, he became the owner of a laboratory in Gütersloh, which is used as a centre for industry courses and materials testing. He has given lectures and courses in various countries around the world such as the USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, Asia, and most of Europe.

He has published three books and videotapes with Quintessence, and wrote the famous book Art-Oral (self-published). From 1991 to 1992 he taught at the private University of Witten/Herdecke. The Art Oral ceramics were born from his extensive experience and his passion for this work. 


Jan Schünemann

Born in Hamburg in 1963. After moving to Bielefeld, where he still lives, he worked as a prosthodontist until 1988, and has owned a laboratory since 1989. In 1992 he received the title of Master Prosthodontist. He has held several conferences in Italy, the US, Russia, South Africa, Canada, and Germany.

He has published numerous articles and is on the editorial board of the Quintessence Dental Technology. He has been working for many years in integrated ceramic and its applications.



Jürgen Braunwarth

Born in 1956 in Stuttgart, he obtained the title of Master Prosthodontist in 1986, the year in which he also founded his own workshop. Since 1989 he has held courses and conferences in more than fifty countries.

In 2005 he founded the Jürgen Masterdental laboratory in Beijing, which deals with the production of prostheses for the Chinese market, and has become the benchmark for the whole of China for quality and precision. 




Giovanni Furno

Born in Foiano di Val Fortore (BN) in 1955, he owns a laboratory in Montecatini Terme. He is known for his personal technique for setting wax, and the author of numerous articles in trade magazines.

His passion for sculpture led him to develop the big tooth, the largest Carrara marble tooth in the world.




Choi Seokyeon

He graduated in 2000 from the Shinhung Dental College in Seoul. Named Chairman of the Jang Baek Dental Lab in 2007, he is CEO of Headen Inc. He lectures for the Korean Association of Prosthodontists and Dental Hygienists.

His lab has earned numerous awards and certifications. He is part of Art Oral Korea.



Lee Yoosang

He became a prosthodontist in 1995 at Dong-U College. He holds the position of managing director at Haeden Inc. and at the dental laboratory B & A. In 2015 he was awarded the special jury prize at the Golden Parallelometer. He is also director of the Korea Dental CAD/CAM Society.

He has held numerous conferences for the Korean Association of Prosthodontists. He is part of Art Oral Korea.



Renzo Revelant

Laboratory owner since 1985. He has studied form and colour with, among others, Klaus Müterthies and Willi Geller. Speaker at courses and conferences dedicated to all-ceramic prosthetic implants, he has published several articles in magazines and other forms of literature in the field. Since 2013 he has worked as a lecturer at the School of Prosthodontics in Prague.




Do not miss it!

It is an important opportunity to learn and interact with colleagues with demonstrated technical and aesthetic value such as Klaus Mueterthies, Jan Schuenemann, Giovanni Furno, Lee Yoosang and Choi Seokyeon, while Jurgen Braunwarth will discuss lab management in China, and last but not least, Renzo Revelant will expand on the idea of the business and organizational concept of a modern laboratory that looks to present and future success, an extremely important and topical subject.

A myriad of content worth much more than the single ticket price!


89,00 EUR 

included in the price:

  • participation for one person on the 2nd Art Oral Day
  • Art Oral cap
  • lunch
  • € 50.00 discount on the purchase of KM or ZR ceramic


We look forward to seeing you!


Price (from Europe choose "Europe no Vat included")



If you do not use your credit card you can make a BANK TRANSFER to:

Reox srl

via delle industrie 29h – 30020 Marcon VE

Bank: Friulovest banca
Iban IT 86 P 08805 65060 010000005491

Enter the purpose of payment with the date of the course and the name and surname of the participant



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