EVERY DAY WITH MY COLLABORATORS I live in close contact with our customers who often become friends too. I see and feel your concerns, we evaluate the problems together and share your successes. I have been working in this sector for 23 years now always with the greatest enthusiasm and, at times, the greatest patience, to constantly improve my work and that of the people I meet on my way, never looking back to question myself. I see in the faces of my clients the satisfaction that rewards me for what I do.
Today I have to say another word of appreciation to all the people who have called me on the phone to wish me "good luck" for the Art Oral project, who have "liked" this page, or who have left even a simple comment , because I think that from these small things I will find the strength and tenacity that I will need when the going gets tough. I prefer not to write the names because you have been so many and I do not want to risk forgetting anyone.
I also thank in advance those who will do it from now on, and rest assured that I will to my best to deserve your trust.

Luca Pighin

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